Empower Your Cross-Border Entity Resolution and Risk Intelligence.

Empower Your Cross-Border Entity Resolution and Risk Intelligence.

Empower Your Cross-Border Entity Resolution and Risk Intelligence.

Verifiet expands global legal entity verification in various geo-regions, provides risk insights for onboarding decisions, and lowers sanction screening costs.

Verifiet expands global legal entity verification in various geo-regions, provides risk insights for onboarding decisions, and lowers sanction screening costs.

Verifiet expands global legal entity verification in various geo-regions, provides risk insights for onboarding decisions, and lowers sanction screening costs.

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Geo-expansion hampered by risk

and compliance hurdles.

Geo-expansion hampered by risk

and compliance hurdles.

Geo-expansion hampered by risk

and compliance hurdles.

Localized Government Sources

Localized Government Sources

Obtaining legal entity data proves challenging in the corporate landscape, with dispersed information across government departments, often in diverse languages. Updates are elusive, and data arrives in non-standard formats, often containing errors, hindering efficient utilization.

Obtaining legal entity data proves challenging in the corporate landscape, with dispersed information across government departments, often in diverse languages. Updates are elusive, and data arrives in non-standard formats, often containing errors, hindering efficient utilization.

Obtaining legal entity data proves challenging in the corporate landscape, with dispersed information across government departments, often in diverse languages. Updates are elusive, and data arrives in non-standard formats, often containing errors, hindering efficient utilization.

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Geo- Specific Risk Classification

Geo- Specific Risk Classification

Industry codes yield varied risk classifications by country. Some nations obscure shareholder data, hindering beneficiary owner tracing. Definitions of beneficial ownership range from 25% to 10% ownership, complicating global compliance.

Industry codes yield varied risk classifications by country. Some nations obscure shareholder data, hindering beneficiary owner tracing. Definitions of beneficial ownership range from 25% to 10% ownership, complicating global compliance.

Industry codes yield varied risk classifications by country. Some nations obscure shareholder data, hindering beneficiary owner tracing. Definitions of beneficial ownership range from 25% to 10% ownership, complicating global compliance.

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Localized Languages

Localized Languages

Matching names across countries proves challenging due to linguistic variations. Data may share equivalent terms, such as SRL for LLC and RUT for Tax Number, complicating analysis. Analysts must possess proficiency in multiple languages to decipher localized website content.

Matching names across countries proves challenging due to linguistic variations. Data may share equivalent terms, such as SRL for LLC and RUT for Tax Number, complicating analysis. Analysts must possess proficiency in multiple languages to decipher localized website content.

Matching names across countries proves challenging due to linguistic variations. Data may share equivalent terms, such as SRL for LLC and RUT for Tax Number, complicating analysis. Analysts must possess proficiency in multiple languages to decipher localized website content.

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Management Overhead

Management Overhead

Distributed compliance teams across various time zones hinder collaborative efforts. Managing employees in multiple countries incurs substantial costs, including compliance with labor laws and handling payroll and taxes.

Distributed compliance teams across various time zones hinder collaborative efforts. Managing employees in multiple countries incurs substantial costs, including compliance with labor laws and handling payroll and taxes.

Distributed compliance teams across various time zones hinder collaborative efforts. Managing employees in multiple countries incurs substantial costs, including compliance with labor laws and handling payroll and taxes.

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The Global Business Data Infrastrcture

for Companies to Build on.

The Global Business Data Infrastrcture

for Companies to Build on.

The Global Business Data Infrastrcature for Companies to Build on.

Unified Data Schema

Access legal entity data from 100+ countries in a unified schema. All data has been cleaned and validated by Verifiet

Notification on update

Receive notification on updates such as bankruptcy, dissolution, ownership change, shareholder updates, or appearance in adverse media.

Multiple Delivery Options

Request the data through your preferred delivery methods. Use API to fetch real-time data. Use Bulk to ingest full dataset periodically

Multi-Lingual Support

Consume the data in your preferred language, such that analysts can spend less time on translation and more time on analysis

Scale your compliance with

Verifiet's Data Suite

Scale your compliance with

Verifiet's Data Suite

Scale Your Compliance with Verifiet's Data Suite

Verifiet API for Global Onboarding & Monitoring

Verifiet API for Global Onboarding & Monitoring

Verifiet's APIs increases business onboarding speed by automatically aggregating data from multiple sources that would otherwise require manual research. After onboarding, Verifiet's APIs can schedule automated continuous monitoring of companies to flag risk and reduce internal audit time

Verifiet's APIs increases business onboarding speed by automatically aggregating data from multiple sources that would otherwise require manual research. After onboarding, Verifiet's APIs can schedule automated continuous monitoring of companies to flag risk and reduce internal audit time

Verifiet's APIs increases business onboarding speed by automatically aggregating data from multiple sources that would otherwise require manual research. After onboarding, Verifiet's APIs can schedule automated continuous monitoring of companies to flag risk and reduce internal audit time

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Bulk for Model Training and Intelligence

Bulk for Model Training and Intelligence

Verifiet's Bulk Dataset enables customers to build risk intelligence reports. These reports can be used to power both internal decisions and external reporting products.
The dataset can be used to train machine learning models that automate fraud detection and decrease false positive rates.

Verifiet's Bulk Dataset enables customers to build risk intelligence reports. These reports can be used to power both internal decisions and external reporting products.
The dataset can be used to train machine learning models that automate fraud detection and decrease false positive rates.

Verifiet's Bulk Dataset enables customers to build risk intelligence reports. These reports can be used to power both internal decisions and external reporting products.
The dataset can be used to train machine learning models that automate fraud detection and decrease false positive rates.

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Graph for Global UBO Mapping

Graph for Global UBO Mapping

Verifiet's Graph Intelligence enables customers to trace connections between companies, beneficiary owners , and sanctions across multiple geo.
The connection can be used to conduct sanction monitoring, enhanced due diligence, or create targeting sales strategy to bring a customer's other companies on board.

Verifiet's Graph Intelligence enables customers to trace connections between companies, beneficiary owners , and sanctions across multiple geo.
The connection can be used to conduct sanction monitoring, enhanced due diligence, or create targeting sales strategy to bring a customer's other companies on board.

Verifiet's Graph Intelligence enables customers to trace connections between companies, beneficiary owners , and sanctions across multiple geo.
The connection can be used to conduct sanction monitoring, enhanced due diligence, or create targeting sales strategy to bring a customer's other companies on board.

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Get an enterprise demo today to take your compliance operations global.

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Get an enterprise demo today to take your compliance operations global.

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Get an enterprise demo today to take your compliance operations global.

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